Hello everyone,
Apologies for the lateness of the last two posts - we've been hard at work sorting the pictures out and uploading them so here they are. Just click on the links below to see the pictures: -
Paris Pictures and hotel Pics
There are more to come as well, so check back soon!
Monsieur McIntyre
Saturday, 23 June 2007
Days 5,6 jeudi le vingt et un juin, vendredi le vingt-deux juin
At last our long awaited Disney day arrived. Full of excitement, the more adventurous of us headed for Space Mountain while “les profs” headed for “the teacups”. The autograph hunters set off in pursuit of autographs from their favourite Disney characters while “les profs” were ecstatic with a photograph with “Monsieur Boisé” from Toy Story. Highlight of the day for many was watching the 15th Anniversary Parade. The weather was glorious, as it has been throughout the holiday. Sorry folks in Scotland!
Exhausted and laden with souvenirs, we headed back to the hotel on the shuttle bus. We finished the day with another gourmet meal in the Plantation restaurant.
We spent our last few hours on Friday morning in Disney Village for some last minute presents before starting the long journey home.
Our teachers and our driver, Steve, who has been excellent, said our behaviour was fantastic and we were wonderful ambassadors for l’Ecosse and St Ninians.
Exhausted and laden with souvenirs, we headed back to the hotel on the shuttle bus. We finished the day with another gourmet meal in the Plantation restaurant.
We spent our last few hours on Friday morning in Disney Village for some last minute presents before starting the long journey home.
Our teachers and our driver, Steve, who has been excellent, said our behaviour was fantastic and we were wonderful ambassadors for l’Ecosse and St Ninians.
Thursday, 21 June 2007
Video 1
Bonjour tout le monde,
here's a quick update with Monsieur Coyle and Jordan Jarvie and Alison Harkins from Group 5 talking about the visit yesterday to Le Musee d'Orsay. There will be another with Madame Stokoe and another 2 pupils added later along with the events of today at Disneyland.
here's a quick update with Monsieur Coyle and Jordan Jarvie and Alison Harkins from Group 5 talking about the visit yesterday to Le Musee d'Orsay. There will be another with Madame Stokoe and another 2 pupils added later along with the events of today at Disneyland.
Wednesday, 20 June 2007
Day 4 mercredi, le vingt juin
Equipe 5

Today, we saw Notre Dame Cathedral which was beautiful. We then went shopping, where we got presents for our family. Later we all walked to the Musee d'Orsay ( which felt like miles because the weather was beautiful but tiring ). This museum had paintings by famous artists (mainly Impressionists) and all these pictures were really beautiful and impressive to look at! We took our time walking around the museum and looking at paintings, as we did a quiz and whoever wins will get a prize! After this we got a train to the resturant where the food was delicious. After this we got the train back to Musee d'Orsay(to join the bus back to the hotel). Seven people were nearly left on the train, however, our brave, amazing teachers jumped in to save us !!.
Alison Harkins, Jordan Jarvie, Dianne Ramsay, Martin Friel, Sean Fitzpatrick, Jemma Smith et Monsieur McIntyre
Equipe 4

Aujourd'hui, nous avons visite la Cathedrale de Notre Dame, le Musee d'Orsay et nous avons fait un pique-nique devant le Centre Pompidou. A Notre Dame, nous avons vu les gargoyles et Quasimodo. Nous avons fait une promenade au Centre Pompidou du Musee d'Orsay. Au Musee d'Orsay, nous avons fait un quiz. To get to the restaurant for dinner, we took the Metro. Miss McCahill and Mr McIntyre got stuck in the doors of the train while holding them open for the 36 of us to get on. A lot of people (not us) were complaining of sore feet. Oh... and our group is the best and every time we have to regroup we are the quickest and win every time!
Aileen Park, Rhianna Ferrie, Naomi Murphy, Drew Wingate, David Brady and Kaitlynn Heeps et
Mlle McCahill.
Equipe 6
Today we got lunch next to the Water Fountain at the Centre Pompidou. Then went to Notre Dame which was breathtaking. We walked to the Musee d'Orsay in the sweltering heat but it was worth it because it was interesting. We got the metro to dinner which was a real challenge trying to get 36 pupils on and off the train. We succeeded although Mr. McIntyre got squashed between the ruthless doors. What a wonderful day! Can't wait till Disney Land tomorrow!
Anna Mclaren, Fiona Larman, Kathryn McAuley, Daniel McDonald and Cameron Dallas
et Mlle Reynolds
Equipe 3
Wednesday, what a day! We had a long lie today - only till 9 though! Then we went into The Marais, and had lunch outside the Pompidou centre. We then went a lovely walk to Notre Dame. We got the underground over to the Musee d'Orsay, where we went away on our own and did tasks to find out about the building - it was very interesting, even the building was very artistic with all the detail on the ceiling and walls. Lewis and Kyle got a portrait painted - they thought Lewis was a rock star. We then went for dinner in a self service restaurant in the centre of Paris. We are all going to go to bed quite early as we are excited about Euro Disney tomorrow. A bientot!
Laura McCafferty, Naomi McDonald, Laura Jane McConnell, Karen Love, Lewis Newton and Kyle Conroy et Madame Stokoe
Equipe 2
Aujourd hui, c'etait tres amusant! On a visite Notre Dame et le Musee d'Orsay. On a dejeune devant le centre Pompidou.On a fait du shopping pendant 30 minutes. C'etait excellent et on a pris le metro pour aller diner. On the way back on the metro some teachers got caught in the doors when they were hurrying the 36 pupils out, but they were ok and we had a laugh! Overall it was a brilliant day. Everyone is getting on well together, making lots of new friends and having an amazing holiday. Au Revoir !
Shaun Clerkin, Edward McFarlane, Ashleigh Cherry, Lucy Connelly, Sarah Irons, Carmen Barrett et Mme McIntyre
Today, we saw Notre Dame Cathedral which was beautiful. We then went shopping, where we got presents for our family. Later we all walked to the Musee d'Orsay ( which felt like miles because the weather was beautiful but tiring ). This museum had paintings by famous artists (mainly Impressionists) and all these pictures were really beautiful and impressive to look at! We took our time walking around the museum and looking at paintings, as we did a quiz and whoever wins will get a prize! After this we got a train to the resturant where the food was delicious. After this we got the train back to Musee d'Orsay(to join the bus back to the hotel). Seven people were nearly left on the train, however, our brave, amazing teachers jumped in to save us !!.
Alison Harkins, Jordan Jarvie, Dianne Ramsay, Martin Friel, Sean Fitzpatrick, Jemma Smith et Monsieur McIntyre
Equipe 4
Aujourd'hui, nous avons visite la Cathedrale de Notre Dame, le Musee d'Orsay et nous avons fait un pique-nique devant le Centre Pompidou. A Notre Dame, nous avons vu les gargoyles et Quasimodo. Nous avons fait une promenade au Centre Pompidou du Musee d'Orsay. Au Musee d'Orsay, nous avons fait un quiz. To get to the restaurant for dinner, we took the Metro. Miss McCahill and Mr McIntyre got stuck in the doors of the train while holding them open for the 36 of us to get on. A lot of people (not us) were complaining of sore feet. Oh... and our group is the best and every time we have to regroup we are the quickest and win every time!
Aileen Park, Rhianna Ferrie, Naomi Murphy, Drew Wingate, David Brady and Kaitlynn Heeps et
Mlle McCahill.
Equipe 6
Today we got lunch next to the Water Fountain at the Centre Pompidou. Then went to Notre Dame which was breathtaking. We walked to the Musee d'Orsay in the sweltering heat but it was worth it because it was interesting. We got the metro to dinner which was a real challenge trying to get 36 pupils on and off the train. We succeeded although Mr. McIntyre got squashed between the ruthless doors. What a wonderful day! Can't wait till Disney Land tomorrow!
Anna Mclaren, Fiona Larman, Kathryn McAuley, Daniel McDonald and Cameron Dallas
et Mlle Reynolds
Equipe 3
Wednesday, what a day! We had a long lie today - only till 9 though! Then we went into The Marais, and had lunch outside the Pompidou centre. We then went a lovely walk to Notre Dame. We got the underground over to the Musee d'Orsay, where we went away on our own and did tasks to find out about the building - it was very interesting, even the building was very artistic with all the detail on the ceiling and walls. Lewis and Kyle got a portrait painted - they thought Lewis was a rock star. We then went for dinner in a self service restaurant in the centre of Paris. We are all going to go to bed quite early as we are excited about Euro Disney tomorrow. A bientot!
Laura McCafferty, Naomi McDonald, Laura Jane McConnell, Karen Love, Lewis Newton and Kyle Conroy et Madame Stokoe
Equipe 2
Aujourd hui, c'etait tres amusant! On a visite Notre Dame et le Musee d'Orsay. On a dejeune devant le centre Pompidou.On a fait du shopping pendant 30 minutes. C'etait excellent et on a pris le metro pour aller diner. On the way back on the metro some teachers got caught in the doors when they were hurrying the 36 pupils out, but they were ok and we had a laugh! Overall it was a brilliant day. Everyone is getting on well together, making lots of new friends and having an amazing holiday. Au Revoir !
Shaun Clerkin, Edward McFarlane, Ashleigh Cherry, Lucy Connelly, Sarah Irons, Carmen Barrett et Mme McIntyre
Day 3 Morning Update
Bonjour tout le monde,
I'll start off with a brief English recap of what we did yesterday. After breakfast we set off from the hotel bound for Paris. While we were there we did the following:-
visited the Basilica of Sacre Coeur and the Artists Square(Place du Tertre) on Montmartre.
had a picnic in the gardens next to the Eiffel Tower
ascended to the first floor of the Tower and had a view of the Paris skyline from there
enjoyed a boat tour down the Seine, which gave information on the various landmarks surrounding the river.
Today the plan is to head off around 10am Paris time and, in the morning, visit the oldest section of Paris, L' Ile de la Cite where Notre Dame is situated. We then visit the famous Musee d'Orsee in the afternoon and, after enjoying dinner at a Paris restaurant, the driver is taking us on a coach tour of Paris at night.
We will be back with a full update, en francais et en anglais, later tonight after we return from our tour.
A bientot!
Monsieur McIntyre
Tuesday, 19 June 2007
Day 2 mardi dix-neuf juin cont
Equipe 6
Aujourd'hui, on a pris le car pour aller a Paris. Le voyage a dure 45 minutes. D'abord, on est alle a l'eglise Sacre Coeur. Apres, on a visite Montmartre. Un type qui s'appelle Morgan a fait un dessin pour Cameron. Puis on a fait un pique-nique au dessous de la Tour Eiffel sur la pelouse. On a monte jusqu'au premier etage en ascenseur. La vue etait fantastique mais ca nous a fait peur. On a pris les escaliers pour descendre. Puis on a fatt une promenade en bateau sur la Seine pour voir Paris. Il a fait tres chaud et Kathryn et Fiona ont pris un coup de soleil. Apres on est retourne a l'hotel. Le diner etait super. Tout le monde a eu un peu de temps libre pour s'amuser bien. On attend demain avec impatience!
Kathryn MacAuley, Anna McLaren, Fiona Larman, Cameron Dallas, Daniel MacDonald, Katie Yuile et Mlle Reynolds
Aujourd'hui, on a pris le car pour aller a Paris. Le voyage a dure 45 minutes. D'abord, on est alle a l'eglise Sacre Coeur. Apres, on a visite Montmartre. Un type qui s'appelle Morgan a fait un dessin pour Cameron. Puis on a fait un pique-nique au dessous de la Tour Eiffel sur la pelouse. On a monte jusqu'au premier etage en ascenseur. La vue etait fantastique mais ca nous a fait peur. On a pris les escaliers pour descendre. Puis on a fatt une promenade en bateau sur la Seine pour voir Paris. Il a fait tres chaud et Kathryn et Fiona ont pris un coup de soleil. Apres on est retourne a l'hotel. Le diner etait super. Tout le monde a eu un peu de temps libre pour s'amuser bien. On attend demain avec impatience!
Kathryn MacAuley, Anna McLaren, Fiona Larman, Cameron Dallas, Daniel MacDonald, Katie Yuile et Mlle Reynolds
Day 2 mardi le dix-neuf juin
Equipe 1
Aujourd'hui je suis allee a Paris. Il a fait tres, tres chaud puis j'ai visite la Tour Eiffel et j'ai fait une croisiere. J'adore Paris. Je me suis tres bien amusee. On a vu les Invalides, la Place de la Bastille avec l'Ange en Or, l'Arc de Triomphe. L'architecture est magnifique. On a photografie un soldat arme! On n'a pas aime les mendiants a Montmartre.
Lauren Brady, Claire Aitken, Jennifer Argent, Jamie Hardie, Matthew Darroch And Danielle Brown & Monsieur Coyle
Equipe 2
Mardi, c'etait magnifique. On a visité le Sacre Coeur, la Tour Eiffel et Montmartre. On a fait une promenade en bateau sur la Seine. Il a fait tres chaud. L'hotel est formidable. La cuisine est delicieuse. Il y a un bon choix de plats.
Hi Pals/Family. Missing you a little bit. Having a brilliant holiday. Will be in touch soon!
Lucy Connelly, Sarah Irons, Ashleigh Cherry, Edward McFarlane, Shaun Clerkin, Carmen Barrett & Madame McIntyre
Equipe 3
Aujourd hui, Je suis alleé au Sacre Coeur. C'était intéréssant. Puis je suis alleé a la Tour Eiffel. C'était tres amusant - quelques personnes avaient peur. On a fait un tour en bateau sur la Seine. Il a fait tres chaud - on s'est bronzé. L'hotel est fantastique - La cuisine est tres bonne.
Salut Famille, Grosses Bises. A bientot.
Laura McCafferty, Naomi McDonald, Laura Jane McConnell, Karen Love, Lewis Newton et Kyle Conroy. N'oubliez pas Madame Stokoe.
Equipe 4
Aujourd hui, nous avons vu nos premiers monuments celebres a Paris. Nous sommes alles au Sacre Coeur. Nous avons fait les magasins ou nous avons achete des berets francais. Nous sommes montes dans la Tour Eiffel, et nous avons admire la belle vue de Paris et puis, nous sommes descendus (a pied). Aussi, nous avons fait une pique-nique au-dessous de la Tour Eiffel. Ensuite, nous avons beaucoup appris au sujet de l'histoire de Paris sur le bateau-mouche. Nous avons bien mange et il a fait tres, tres chaud. Dans l'ensemble, nous nous sommes bien amuses, c'est sur!
Rhianna Ferrie, Kaitlynn Heeps, Drew Wingate, David Brady, Naomi Murphy, Aileen Park and Mlle McCahill.
Equipe 5
Aujourd hui, d'abord, nous sommes montes dans l'autobus et on a vistite le Sacre-Coeur. Apres on est alle au magasin de souvenirs et puis on a fait un tour. Puis on est arrive a la Tour Eiffel ou on a pris des photos. Finalement, on a fini avec un tour de la Seine en bateau.
Sean Fitzpatrick, Martin Freel, Jemma Smith, Diane Ramsay, Alison Harkins, Jordan Jarvie, Monsieur McIntyre
Aujourd'hui je suis allee a Paris. Il a fait tres, tres chaud puis j'ai visite la Tour Eiffel et j'ai fait une croisiere. J'adore Paris. Je me suis tres bien amusee. On a vu les Invalides, la Place de la Bastille avec l'Ange en Or, l'Arc de Triomphe. L'architecture est magnifique. On a photografie un soldat arme! On n'a pas aime les mendiants a Montmartre.
Lauren Brady, Claire Aitken, Jennifer Argent, Jamie Hardie, Matthew Darroch And Danielle Brown & Monsieur Coyle
Equipe 2
Mardi, c'etait magnifique. On a visité le Sacre Coeur, la Tour Eiffel et Montmartre. On a fait une promenade en bateau sur la Seine. Il a fait tres chaud. L'hotel est formidable. La cuisine est delicieuse. Il y a un bon choix de plats.
Hi Pals/Family. Missing you a little bit. Having a brilliant holiday. Will be in touch soon!
Lucy Connelly, Sarah Irons, Ashleigh Cherry, Edward McFarlane, Shaun Clerkin, Carmen Barrett & Madame McIntyre
Equipe 3
Aujourd hui, Je suis alleé au Sacre Coeur. C'était intéréssant. Puis je suis alleé a la Tour Eiffel. C'était tres amusant - quelques personnes avaient peur. On a fait un tour en bateau sur la Seine. Il a fait tres chaud - on s'est bronzé. L'hotel est fantastique - La cuisine est tres bonne.
Salut Famille, Grosses Bises. A bientot.
Laura McCafferty, Naomi McDonald, Laura Jane McConnell, Karen Love, Lewis Newton et Kyle Conroy. N'oubliez pas Madame Stokoe.
Equipe 4
Aujourd hui, nous avons vu nos premiers monuments celebres a Paris. Nous sommes alles au Sacre Coeur. Nous avons fait les magasins ou nous avons achete des berets francais. Nous sommes montes dans la Tour Eiffel, et nous avons admire la belle vue de Paris et puis, nous sommes descendus (a pied). Aussi, nous avons fait une pique-nique au-dessous de la Tour Eiffel. Ensuite, nous avons beaucoup appris au sujet de l'histoire de Paris sur le bateau-mouche. Nous avons bien mange et il a fait tres, tres chaud. Dans l'ensemble, nous nous sommes bien amuses, c'est sur!
Rhianna Ferrie, Kaitlynn Heeps, Drew Wingate, David Brady, Naomi Murphy, Aileen Park and Mlle McCahill.
Equipe 5
Aujourd hui, d'abord, nous sommes montes dans l'autobus et on a vistite le Sacre-Coeur. Apres on est alle au magasin de souvenirs et puis on a fait un tour. Puis on est arrive a la Tour Eiffel ou on a pris des photos. Finalement, on a fini avec un tour de la Seine en bateau.
Sean Fitzpatrick, Martin Freel, Jemma Smith, Diane Ramsay, Alison Harkins, Jordan Jarvie, Monsieur McIntyre
Day 1 Bonjour
Bonjour et bienvenue à Paris!
Apologies for the lack of an update from last night, the Wireless Internet Hotspot was down in the hotel so we had no way of accessing the Blog. Travel down went quite well and the pupils did themselves extremely proud on what was a very tiring journey. We arrived at the hotel between 7 - 8 last night and it is very good with good food and nice facilities.
Today was our first full day in Paris but I'll let the pupils tell you about that in the main update later.
Au revoir,
Monsieur McIntyre
Apologies for the lack of an update from last night, the Wireless Internet Hotspot was down in the hotel so we had no way of accessing the Blog. Travel down went quite well and the pupils did themselves extremely proud on what was a very tiring journey. We arrived at the hotel between 7 - 8 last night and it is very good with good food and nice facilities.
Today was our first full day in Paris but I'll let the pupils tell you about that in the main update later.
Au revoir,
Monsieur McIntyre
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